A Rainbow Game

Step One - Print out the Patterns. You will need 1 spinner, 1 middle game board piece, 2 end game board pieces, and lots of rainbow cards.


Step Two - Make the Game board. Glue the two end pieces and the middle piece together on a piece of sturdy cardboard. Color each square on the game board a color in the rainbow. You may want to go in ROYGBIV order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. You can designate a starting square, if desired. There is no ending square as players may go around the board more than one time. Cover your game board with clear plastic wrap or clear contact paper to protect it.


Step Three - Make the Game cards. Glue the cards onto lightweight cardboard and cut apart. Color each rainbow section a different rainbow color so that there are a lot of cards in each of the rainbow colors. You may want to cover your cards with clear contact paper.


Step Four - Make the Spinner. Glue the spinner pieces onto lightweight cardboard and cut out the circle and the arrow. Color if desired. Loosely fasten the arrow to the circle with a brad so that the arrow can spin. If you want to cover your spinner with contact paper, you will want to do so before you put it together.


Step Five - Gather up game pieces (to mark which square a player is on) for everyone who wants to play. You can use pieces from another game, buttons, small toys, whatever. Just remember to keep each one different so that each player will know which game piece is his or hers.


Step Six - Play the Game!

The goal of this game is for each player to collect one rainbow card in all the rainbow colors. The game is over when each player has all of his or her required cards. There are no losers, everyone wins!

Decide who will go first. The player spins the spinner and goes that many spaces along the board. The player collects a rainbow card that corresponds with the color of the square he or she lands on.

Since all the players need all the colors, there can be card trading. If someone has two orange cards and someone else has two yellow cards, for example, the players may trade cards so that each has an orange card and a yellow card. A trade may only be initiated at a player's turn. For example, if Suzy wants to ask Herman to trade an orange card for a yellow card, she may do so only if it is her turn. If it is Oliver's turn, Suzy must wait to make her trade.



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